Why spend on SEO?

cartoon Why spend money on SEO

Why spend money on SEO?

Although we know that many people use SEO specialists, the general question will always be why. Why spend money on SEO?

There are countless SEO experts who can and will help your website become more visible and gain the trust it needs from search engines and its intended users.

And it all starts with an insightful, quality audit of your website.

See? It's as simple as that.

But what is SEO for?

Many people have heard of SEO and SEO optimization, especially if you have a website or an e-commerce site. But most of them don't really know what SEO is, what it does and what it's for.

With the increase in digital globalization, there are countless websites that we can find in a simple search on a search engine. But there is an order in which these results are displayed. Who appears first, second, etc.

So we need to create SEO strategies! Optimizing these results individually according to our objectives (to be first 😉)

Sometimes it can be a thankless job. This isn't a job where you see instant results; on the contrary, it's a job that has to be constructed, thought out and adapted to each reality.

Why not just use free online tools and spend money on SEO?

Admittedly, there are many free online tools that can produce a quick report, generated in a few seconds or minutes. I don't deny that. SEO experts use them too. But there is a crucial difference: they (SEO experts) know the best strategy to apply in each specific case. So I have a question at this point:

What to do with these reports?

It's good to have a report that indicates the authority of the website, the pages, keywords used, and even some suggestions of where you can improve, but what now? What strategy are you going to use? What are you going to do and how?

It's not just necessary to know the "symptom", the problem that exists, the errors we have, etc. You need to know what to do and how to solve these inconveniences, and be able to go further (to the top).

  • That's where we come in! We know! K7SEO

Are we good?

If you don't know us and you've found us, it's because we're good! ✌️

Whether it's a one-off service or periodic follow-up, find out more about our solutions: SEO audits, SEO strategies, content strategies, building backlinks, and more. Visit our page dedicated to presenting our servicesor contact us (without obligation) via our contact formor via info@k7seo.com

We look forward to seeing you!